March 07, 2009

Sneak Peak

I was assigned to give a talk for sacrament. I would like to share it with you and if you read it before 9 15 tomorrow you will be the first to hear it!! But anyway i hope not to read the talk straight from the paper, i hope to add and lose stuff as a go. I hope you like it!!!

Good morning brothers and sisters. I was asked today to give a talk on the steps I am taking to prepare for a mission. I am only 3 years 6 days 18 hours 14 minutes and 52 seconds away from going on my mission, give or take an hour or so…. But that time is flying by brothers and sisters and now is when we need to start to prepare. Today I will talk about 4 major things we all can do to prepare for a mission.

The first thing is PHYSICAL PREPERATION. Missionaries get physically tested almost every day from riding bikes up big hills or walking from one door to another. It requires good health, stamina, and strength. Missionaries have to rise early and work hard until late at night.
But physical preparation does not just include being fit. As much as you beg and plead, your mother cannot go on the mission with you. Without her we need to learn how to cook and clean. We need to learn how to patch clothing, wash and iron our shirts, press our pants, and shine our shoes. Don’t forget we need to learn how to wake up from an alarm clock!
Money is also a big issue. Right now we need to start saving for our missions and learn how to create and follow a budget.

The second thing is MENTAL PREPERATION. When we go to school what do we think about? Do we think about how we can’t wait to go home to watch our favorite T.V. show? Maybe we think about the cute guy or girl in our 2nd hour class. Whatever it is I would like suggest a better idea. When we go to school we should think about our future. Education is an important step to preparing for our missions and ultimately preparing for our career and family life. We need to study hard and try our best to succeed.
Reading the Scriptures can benefit you for your whole life. Ezra Taft Benson once said: “the Book of Mormon will change your life. It will fortify you against the evils of our day. It will bring a spirituality into your life that no other book will. It will be the most important book you will read in preparation for a mission and for life. A young man who knows and loves the Book of Mormon, who has read it several times, who has an abiding testimony of its truthfulness, and who applies its teachings will be able to stand against the wiles of the devil and will be a mighty tool in the hands of the Lord”.

The next thing is SOCIAL PREPERATION. Many people get nervous going up to strangers and spreading the word of god. We need to gain faith in ourselves and in our lord. In D&C 100:5-6 it says: Therefore, verily I say unto you, lift up your voices unto this people; speak the thoughts that I shall put into your hearts, and you shall not be confounded before men; For it shall be given you in the very hour, yea, in the very moment, what ye shall say. We can practice this by being missionaries to the people around you. Joseph Smith once said, “ After all that has been said, the greatest and most important duty is to preach the gospel.“ By teaching your friends and neighbors you will gain confidence and faith in the lord.
You also need to learn to follow all rules. The mission is filled with rules. You will be spending 24/7 with your companion. You need to learn to get along and respect others.

The last thing I will be talking about today is SPIRITUAL PREPERATION. Missionaries must be in tune with the spirit of the lord. We must learn to follow the guidance of the holy ghost. We can do this by following these few steps:
Keep your life clean- Strive to stay clean in your thoughts and actions. Dirty thoughts is satins most powerful tool that he uses against you. It will only bring you down and scare the spirit away.
Prayer- Make sure to prey throughout the day. D&C 19: 28 says And again, I command thee that thou shalt prey vocally as well as in thy heart; yea, before the world as well as in secret, in public as well as in private.
Keep the commandments and honor the priesthood- This will bring you happiness and joy throughout your life. You will be blessed as a missionary and as a child of god.

These 4 steps I have taught you will better prepare you for a mission and your future life.



Kimberly said...

What a great talk Sean! I'm glad you shared it. I wish your mom ws there to hear you give it. You are a special young man?

South Jordan Central Ward said...

Good job! I especially like the countdown at the beginning :D

Nielson said...

Good job Sean! WIsh we could have been there to hear it--I'm sure you did great.

dream quilt create said...

What a great talk Sean! I wish I could have been there. You are going to be a great missionary, but in reality you are already doing missionary work by your example. Let's hope you can work on the alarm clock thing..... though! said...

Sean, have you already been on a mission?

I know what you mean on the comments, I'm the same way.