January 02, 2011

New Years at the Firework Stand

A couple months ago, my friend Harrison asked me to work for him at a firework stand the week after Christmas. Harrison is 18, and has had a firework tent for a few years now. He didn't own the business, but was in charge of the busiest tent in Belleview. Tuesday, at 8 a.m. we drove down to set up the tent, here was the storage pod where everything was sitting, waiting to be unpacked.

First we unpacked the storage pod, than box by box, we placed the fireworks on the stands as nicely as possible. I did most of the organizing and beautifying I guess you could say.
 Here is Harrison bringing some boxes to the tent.
Me holding 'The King' a package of small fountains and fireworks.
Here is Harrison opening up the firework 'Disruption'. This "cake" as they call them shoots colorfull fireworks into the air than blows up.
Here are the biggest, legal, mortars we could sell. They shot around 200 feet in the air and blew up with different effects. I was really close to getting them for my family, but maybe next time.
 The truck really helped moving the boxes from the pod to the tent
 Finally we were done unpacking. After we swept up it looked great.
 I probably price tagged a thousand items by the end of the week! I don't even think it made a difference because everyone asked the prices for everything, they were just too lazy to read!
We had to stay there from Tuesday until Saturday, so we needed lots of entertainment including a TV, slingshot, xbox, and lots of food!
One morning we woke up to freezing weather and this much frost covering the car!! Never say it doesn't get cold in Florida! Sleeping was freezing and scary, not a good mix when you need to go to the bathroom... Luckly it got warmer every day and it never rained!! All together it was a fun week where I got to learn about fireworks, sell and talk to lots of strangers, and of course make money. Saturday night, i lit a cake for the family and we watched 14 shots fly high into the air and explode into many colors! That was a blast

1 comment:

Jordan said...

Cold.. Bah... I ran three miles this morning in 19 degree weather! Was the slingshot in case someone tried to rob you?